Most traders turn to W. D. Gann looking for a unicorn cycle to get a magical edge in the markets. To that end thousands have wasted money and time pursuing vague cycle methods from gurus they found in nefarious corners of the internet.
The truth- Gann combined many types of cycles with other market methods to achieve the edge that led him to once make 264 profitable trades out of 286 total in 25 market days.
This webinar demonstrates W. D. Gann’s various types of cycles, how they are constructed, their different uses, and more importantly their performance.
Gann was a rule-based trader. Like his other methods, we should be able to construct and test cycles according to objective rules if they are valid.
Plenty of time will be reserved at the end for questions. Registration and viewing are both free. This webinar was broadcast LIVE at 4pm Chicago time on Tuesday, June 14th, and was not recorded or posted.