Our W. D. Gann Webinars

MIND OVER MARKETS: Trading Psychology In The AI Era
You can take many practical steps to tilt the odds in your favor before you sit down to place a trade. These steps begin with gaining control over your mind first. Professional traders understand that honing a profitable trading strategy is only half the battle to profitability.
In this exclusive LIVE event, CMT D’mitri Richardson brings you into the mindset of a professional trader. Avoid losses BEFORE YOU TRADE by recognizing and eliminating unhealthy trading motives, expectations, and habits which lead to loss, slippage, and self-sabotage.
Turn the psychological challenges unique to different trading niches into practical steps to prepare and organize before trading. Use the practical realities of automation and machine learning in the AI age to gain confidence by testing and practicing your strategy. Discover how W. D. Gann prepared his mind to trade with non-linear variables such as astro, cycles, and numerology.
You can get better at making a profit through trading and keeping it! Webinar registration and viewing are both free. This webinar will only be broadcast live at 3pm Chicago time on Thursday, September 12th, 2024. It will not be recorded or posted. There will adequate LIVE Q and A time after the presentation.
Gain new trading insights by registering for one of our free W. D. Gann trading webinars. Our webinars contain trading insights and methods of market analysis Gann never published. Register for our upcoming webinar below or scroll down to opt-into our e-mail update list.
All of our webinars are all live-broadcast only, and each focuses on one of W. D. Gann's trading or technical analysis methods. Topics range from the explanation of Gann's unpublished trading methods to how he encoded his system into his writings to illustrating Gann's original technical analysis on modern markets. Below is a catalog of the webinars that are coming soon- follow link to register. All Gann webinars are never recorded. Check this page for updates of the next webinar or use the registration form below to get on our email list announcing new webinar updates.

W. D. Gann: New Discoveries
Even at age 72, W. D. Gann was making amazing new discoveries in the markets. A new generation of more savvy traders in more difficult markets...Read More
Decoding W. D. Gann
This webinar will dispel any doubt that W. D. Gann wrote in a coded, veiled language. His genius enabled him to give sound market advice....Read More
Real Gann For Real Traders
This webinar demonstrates how W. D. Gann's unpublished trading methods can be integrated with cutting edge technical analysis...Read More
The Valuable Secret
W. D. Gann claimed that his 1927 novel, “The Tunnel Thru The Air” included a “valuable secret" cloaked in a 'veiled language...'Read MoreEMAIL UPDATE OPT-IN
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