This page is set up to demonstrate two of W. D. Gann's trading methods on intraday gold. The first method, Arcana, predicts the trend duration and direction ahead of the market within a couple minutes. The second method, polarity lines, determines the true breakout/down prices according to the Law Of Vibration. In the gallery below, the red and green vertical lines represent trend direction predicted ahead of the market. Red is down, green is up. You will also notice that there are some times/zones where there is no trend (shaded box) or the trend is indeterminate. W. D. Gann intended these zones to act as trade direction filters, only trading in the predicted direction of the trend. The horizontal lines you see are 'polarity," or breakout/down lines which act as entry triggers if price closes above or below them. Our trading session starts at the old pit time of 8:20am Eastern US time. The big white arrows denote trades. By combining these two rule-based methods, we get a system that is entirely objective and rule-based that can be back-tested. The little blue arrows denote predicted ideal times for entries in the direction of the trend in case of a pullback against the trend. The little purple arrows denote ideal times for a market run in the direction of the trend to end or pause. They are not “buy on blue sell on purple” signals.