W. D. Gann's market timing techniques lets you to predict turn times absent in technical analysis. Gann actually offers several methods of predicting market turns, tops, and bottoms. Each serves a different purpose. Gann's mastery is realized by the confluence of 2 - 4 of these techniques, depending on the market and timeframe.
Click the picture to the right to expand the intraday chart of the SP 500 futures to see how these 3 techniques come together to pinpoint tops and bottoms. Here we added a 4th as well. How often does this happen? Pretty much ever day- I just took a picture of the market on the da I wrote this post (be advised sometimes the market makes an upward cannonball without a real bottom.)
The mathematical formula to predict these times is taught in our "W. D. GANN: MASTER THE MARKETS" Training.
Each type of market turn offers different information. First, Gann discovered 2 main "turn times," or times down to the minute each day when the market is most likely to turn. These times are plotted in advance independent of prior market activity. The market activates each time by making an 'outside' move into that time. These time work for weekly, monthly, and annual time units as well.
W. D. Gann's "top & bottom finder" pinpoints in advance times that are most likely to mark THE top or bottom for the time period one trades. Minor Arcana turns pinpoints ends of runs against the trend where the trader re-enters the trend, or the end of a run in the trend's direction.
Probably most famous are W. D. Gann's "square outs," where a range or prices is squared to find the end of a specific run.
If you have your own approach to the market, an one of these techniques can be isolated and used to predict turn times on your market and timeframe. Below is a demonstration of one of the Gann turn methods which forecasts precise sharp turns on a daily chart. It forecasts sharp, exact saw-tooth wave turns, within 1 trading day variance on a daily chart. See below for the turn times on AAPL daily for March 2017 - 2018 all predicted in advance.
Our new Gann Center is located directly on River Road just seconds from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport in the heart of all major hotels and restaurants in Chicago's Rosemont Entertainment District.
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