Wave59 market software is the unique creation of Earik Beann. Earik created Wave59 to specifically apply esoteric and nonlinear variables to market charts. Wave59 definitely has many features and functions we are unable to find anywhere else.
The sweet spot of Wave59 is that it is set up two closely resemble the way W. D. Gann drew his charge by hand and then added his unique esoteric analysis on plastic overlays. Gann would then throw away the plastic overlays to make it impossible for anyone to discover his secrets. Wave59 is simply the computerized version of W. D. Gann’s plastic chart overlays.
Wave59 software can also perform many functions that other esoteric market softwares are unable to do. One example is the progressions. W. D. Gann used several astronomical progressions at the heart of his key techniques. Wave59 has the ability to progress a natal date to a future date and then start yet another progression from that date. This is what Gann did, and we are unable to duplicate it with other market softwares out there.
See W. D. Gann’s fan that finds the top and bottom of the trading day, mapped out using Wave59.
Some other functions that mimic the way W. D. Gann drew on his charts by hand: Wave59 can measure lunar degrees traveled on a chart, degrees of earth’s rotation, and can differentiate between degrees of Zodiac travel in degrees of actual planetary motion.
But if you are expecting to find the ”GANN BUY NOW” button in Wave59, you will be disappointed. Wave59 is unparalleled in measuring, applying, in implementing the trading methods of W. D. Gann… but you will have to import the knowledge into the software.
If we, for example, created a Gann indicator suite that was as simple as clicking on two prices and then projecting the next high or low, it would be all over the Internet. We have actually been approached by several softwares to create such a suite, but in every case it would mean compromising our proprietary Gann formulas.
Wave59 Software Charts
It is the simple and practical ability to convert planetary data into price and time that makes Wave59 the best fit for W. D. Gann’s methods. But beyond that, for only $99 a month, wave 59 bring so many more unique, proprietary indicators to the table.
For example, though it is hard to visualize, W. D. Gann actually did scale his charts using plastic overlays. Gann’s law of vibration determine specific settings for each chart in each market. Wave 59 has the unique ability to flexibly scale market charts of any time period.

Chart scaling is crucial for market geometry to work consistently. There have been some practitioners that’s a chart scaling doesn’t matter in market geometry, if you want to believe them it’s your money. But again, if you are just trying a “1 to 1” scaling, you probably won’t get anything to work. you have to know these settings for each market, and then plug them into a Wave59. Did you think that Gann would give you the correct market settings?
Wave59 Software Features
- Smart Money Index.
- The “5 & 9” indicators, which also account for the software’s name. This is based a price cycle that Earik discovered in financial markets.
- Spirals, ellipses, growth sequences, and other applications you won’t be able to find anywhere.
- A killer numbered square feature that can draw any numbered square.
- You can construct any version of a wheel of 12 or 24.
- We actually had Earik add the Astro houses around the Zodiac it can be removed with the flick of a button.
- The ability to show Natal planet positions, transiting planet positions, and progressed planet positions all at the same time.
- Price/time combined measuring tool!
- Natal Forecasting Tool.
- A bunch of other neat and freaky surprises.

And if you are bored with that, there is actually an AI and neural model in the software. These features also make Wave59 and unparalleled tool for market research. But again, If you don’t know the functions and settings for the above features, you will probably end up losing money. The software will do everything but tell you the market secrets.
Wave 59 accepts data from four major vendors for trading application: Esignal, CQG, DTN/IQ Feed, and GFDL India. It will also except data from Interactive Brokers, but its import and maintenance can be a little bit touchy. Also, while Esignal data works fine in Wave59, support for Esignal data has been discontinued. What this practically means is that on an intraday basis, you can only import the last six weeks of data.
We actually have both Esignal and DTN IQ. We use the Esignal for private trading, in the DTN IQ for research.

ANSWER: Yes. As noted in the text above, Wave59 uniquely sets up its progressions in a way that very closely resembles how Gann used progressions by hand. We have been unable to duplicate this with other market softwares.
Other features of Wave59 that implement Gann’s methods more closely than other softwares include the chart scaling module, measuring earth in lunar degrees traveled on a chart, differentiating between degrees of Zodiac traveled and actual planetary motion traveled, and the ability to impose houses and midpoints.
ANSWER: Technically no. Will it make life easier? Yes. W. D. Gann did all the calculations by hand, sometimes using an ephemeris. Then he drew out the measurements on plastic overlays on top of the hand drawn charts.
ANSWER: NO. We have paid full price the whole way.
ANSWER : NO. We have refrained from doing this so no one can take an indicator and script and easily spread it all over the internet. Several people have taken the Magic in the Markets training have automated Gann’s methods to this level in Wave59.
ANSWER: Most of W. D. Gann’s techniques can be calculated and plotted in one or two minutes. Wave59 reduces this to a matter of seconds, which makes it much easier to follow many markets at once.
However, cycles of progression techniques are quick to calculate, but can take an hour to draw out a cycle with all the turns for one month or one year.