In “The Tunnel Thru The Air,” Gann uses the adventures of a hero named Robert Gordon to walk you through the theory, rules, and applications of his most of his trading system. The story goes like this: Gordon finds a blueprint in the Bible for a unique flying machine. As the story develops, he meets and then loses Marie, the love of his life. Gordon’s flying machine ends up saving America in an upcoming world-war that Gann predicts will take place.
W. D. Gann used this book and odd story to add clarity and definition to the trend-prediction method outlined in his previous work, “The Truth of The Stock Tape.” He then adds new material and introduces several new trading techniques. These include polarity lines in the “Major Motors Campaign,” forecasting in the chapter on Gordon’s advancement, trading cycles in the war narrative, and the numbered wheel use in ‘Robert Gordon’s 7 Days.’ The book ends by Gann tying together most of the methods in the book into one or two veiled chapters.
Check out our many examples of W. D. Gann’s trading methods he wrote about in ‘The Tunnel Thru The Air,’ including Trading the Tokyo J-1 Cycle, Lunar Cycles, the Arcana Trend Cycles (mind reading machine), Silver Springs metals trading methodology, Annual Forecast, and Annulifier Cycle.
All of Gann’s following books and courses reverted to books on Market advice. Toward the end of his life, Gann published a little pamphlet outlining his career on a timeline. All of his books are mentioned and reviewed. “The Truth of The Stock Tape” and “How To Make Profits in Commodities” are described by him as the best books ever written on the stock market and commodities respectively. Yet he excludes even the mention of ‘Tunnel’ from the pamphlet.
‘Tunnel’ is hard to decode because Gann wrote the book for a different reason that he wrote his other works. Gann wrote as a contemporary of Collier with the mission of bringing the knowledge of the ‘Valuable Secret’ to those enamored with Theosophy. He had a Masonic goal of putting sacred knowledge within eyeshot of the public (though in highly coded manner) and bringing an early version of the New Age message to America.